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“Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world.”
A petition calls him "an insult to music fans all over the world
Kanye West is an insult to music fans all over the world. We spend hundreds of pounds to attend glasto, and by doing so, expect a certain level of entertainment.
Kanye has been very outspoken on his views on music….he should listen to his own advice and pass his headline slot on to someone deserving!
Lets prevent this musical injustice now
Kanye West is all set to headline
England’s Glastonbury Festival in June — but thousands of angry music
fans are hoping that will change. (So far, the only other confirmed acts
are Foo Fighters and Lionel Richie.)
A petition on Change.org is asking
Glastonbury officials to cancel Kanye’s set and get a rock band to
replace him. Here’s what the petition, started by British music fan Neil
Lonsdale, says more specifically:
By Wednesday afternoon, the petition had just over 50,000 signatures.
(It should be noted that anybody — not just Glastonbury ticket holders —
can sign.)
This isn’t the first time Glastonbury festival-goers have protested a
hip-hop headliner. In 2008, fans made a fuss about Jay Z headlining the
festival — and Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher even got involved, saying,
“I’m not having hip-hop at Glastonbury. It’s wrong.” But none of that
stopped Jay from performing, so it’s unlikely that anything will keep
Kanye from performing either.